Prayer Request

Lord Jesus, who went about doing good and healing all, we ask You to be with these people and their families as they are being cared for.  Give them strength in body, courage in spirit, and patience in pain.  Give those caring for them the knowledge and understanding to bring them to health.  We ask this through You, Jesus Christ.  Amen.

PRAYER LIST for October 9, 2024

Please pray for the following people:

Harold Adler

All that are experiencing illicit drug abuse

Armed Forces, living & dead

Cindy Boever 

Nick Bomorito

Teri Smith Bowen

Larry Burch

Catholics to persevere in faith; Catholic school & church volunteers

Children who are being trafficked & Rescuers

Cody & family

Connie Copp

Berta Counts

Tim DeGonia

Shirley Dugal


Michael Fellhauer

Mary Kathleen Green

Jenny Halstead

Carol Hawkins

Hawthorn Psychiatric Hospital Children

Ben Hogan

Ann Honse

Cathy Hoppe


Joseph Anthony Jardin-RIP

Martha Jarden

Margaret & Taylor Jenkins

Joyce Jones

Kinch Jones-RIP

Noah Jones


Journey & baby son

Kinda Kahl

Dylan Kastel

Eric Kastel

Loretta Kozar

Ted Kuethe

Tim Lewis

Jean Link

John McDowell

Marsha Tubman McMurtry

Jeannie MaCauley

Tim Miller

Mrs. Bill Morefleet

Gene Mullink-RIP

Miller Violet Phillips

Jerry Pinson

Carmen Pirtle

Anne Pomphrey

Residents of Country Meadows & NHC

Hayden Rhodes

Mia Rizzo

Nancy S.

St. John the Apostle Church

Nancy Schillinger

Brandon Schlemeier

Stacy Scurlock

Kevin Seabaugh

Dave Sherrills

Dan Smith

Jim & Jamie Stafford

LaVerne Steele

Justin Stobart

Callie Stuart


Frank Toth

Steve & Diane Tucker

Toni Turner

Sandy Walker

Nancy Wampler

Harold Wansing

John Wigger Family

Derek, Stacy, & Liv Wilfong

 Willard family

Debbie Williams

Cynthia Hathway Wilmington

Noah Winslow

Bill Winters

World Peace